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EDCI 813: Focused Science Education Research

Important: For the most up-to-date information, refer to the official George Mason Course Catalog

General Information

Credits: 3


Provides an opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience designing and conducting a research study in science education that leads to publication and/or conference presentations. The scholarship embodied in student development to this point in the doctoral program will lead students to work with a science education faculty member of their choice to development and seek to answer a research question of interest. Offered by School of Education. May not be repeated for credit.
Recommended Prerequisite: EDRS 810, EDRS 811, EDRS 827.
Registration Restrictions:

Students cannot enroll who have a concentration in Science Education Research.

Enrollment limited to students in the E1-PHD-EDUC program.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate level students.

Schedule Type: Internship
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.

Semesters taught: Fall

Current Sections

  • Spring 2025, Section: DL2, CRN 21315, Format: Online, Instructor: Nancy Holincheck
  • Spring 2025, Section: DL3, CRN 22059, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Nancy Holincheck
Prior Sections (partial list)

Information is currently not available.