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ECED 791: Internship with Diverse Infants and Toddlers

Important: For the most up-to-date information, refer to the official George Mason Course Catalog

General Information

Credits: 3


Enables students to participate full time in an internship with diverse infants/toddlers. Links university course work to real world of working with diverse young learners and their families. Notes: Students enroll in both infant/toddler (3 credits) and preschool (3 credits) internships. Offered by School of Education. May be repeated within the degree for a maximum 6 credits.
Recommended Prerequisite: ECED 401 or 501, ECED 403 or 503, and Admission to the Early Childhood Special Education (Licensure) Graduate Certificate Program. All standardized test requirements (Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators or qualifying substitution and Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment) must be met the semester prior to the internship.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment is limited to Graduate or Non-Degree level students.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Internship
This course is graded on the Satisfactory/No Credit scale.

Semesters taught: Fall, Summer, Spring

Current Sections

This course is not offered this semester.

Prior Sections (partial list)
  • Fall 2022, Section: 001, CRN 83587, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Bweikia Steen
  • Spring 2022, Section: 001, CRN 17011, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Bweikia Steen
  • Spring 2021, Section: 002, CRN 20350, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Bweikia Steen
  • Spring 2020, Section: 002, CRN 23675, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Bweikia Steen
  • Fall 2019, Section: 001, CRN 80454, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Bweikia Steen, Fall 2019 Section 001 Syllabus
  • Spring 2017, Section: 001, CRN 13284, Instructor: Debra Fulcher, Spring 2017 Section 001 Syllabus
  • Fall 2016, Section: 001, CRN 73748, Instructor: Debra Fulcher
  • Spring 2016, Section: 001, CRN 14319, Instructor: Debra Fulcher
  • Fall 2015, Section: 001, CRN 74701, Instructor: Debra Fulcher
  • Summer 2015, Section: S01, CRN 43404, Instructor: Renna Jordan
  • Spring 2015, Section: 001, CRN 17027, Instructor: Debra Fulcher
  • Fall 2014, Section: 001, CRN 77301, Instructor: Julie Kidd
  • Summer 2012, Section: 600, CRN 41732, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Andrea Sobel
  • Spring 2012, Section: 001, CRN 16252, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Julie Kidd